
書名: Harry Potter and the Philospber's Stone harrypotterandthePhilospbersStone
作者: J. K. Rowling
索書號: F COW(高小)
簡介 :   Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy - until he is rescued by a beetle-eyed giant of a man, enrols at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns to play Quidditch and does battle in a deadly duel. The reason : Harry Potter is a wizard!


書名: 何紫兒童小說精選集 hochi
作者: 何紫
索書號: CF HE(高小)
簡介 :   本書從何紫作品中精選40個故事,分為「師恩篇」、「成長篇」、「友情篇」、「親情篇」和「鄰里篇」五輯,全面展示何紫作品所包含的豐富內容,並邀請著名兒童文學作家阿濃先生作序,黃慶雲女士、嚴吳嬋霞女士、東瑞先生、宋詒瑞女士和關麗珊女士撰寫導讀,讓讀者領略何紫對少年兒童的關愛和期望,以及了解和認識當時的香港社會風情。


書名: Annie and Snowball and the dress-up Birthday annieandsnowball
作者: Cynthia Rylant
索書號: F RYL(初小)
簡介 :   Annie can't wait to celebrate her birthday with her pet bunny, Snowball, and of course with her cousin, Henry, and his big dog, Mudge. She's planning a special dress-up party -- and when her guests arrive, everyone's in for a big surprise!


書名: 艾菲的煩惱 alfie
作者: Reverend W. Awdry
索書號: CF AWD(初小)
簡介 :   湯馬仕帶著挖土機艾菲來到建築工地幫忙。可是,個子矮小的艾菲經常被體型高大的工程隊員們嘲笑,令他十分自卑。究竟湯馬仕有沒有辦法令艾菲重拾自信呢?


書名: The Colors of the Rainbow colorsofrainbow
作者: Jennifer Moore-Mallinos
索書號: 301 MOO
簡介 :   The rainbow has many colors, and each color is different from all the rest.
People are a little like colors of the rainbow because each of us is unique.
We should celebrate our differences. So let's all get together and build a reinbow!


書名: 香港百年變變變 hongkong
作者: 劉斯傑
索書號: 951.2 LIU
簡介 :   小朋友,當你站在尖沙咀海旁,望著維多利亞港兩岸的高樓大廈時,你有沒有想像過一百多年前的香港是甚麼模樣的呢?現在請你跟隨著我們一起走進維多利亞港兩岸,看看香港怎樣由落後的小漁村,逐漸發展為繁華熱鬧的大都會吧!